When the legendary mountain pass road to the Stilfser Joch is blocked for normal traffic. On that day, the road belongs only to cyclists! It’s not a race, but being there is everything! The final destination of this cycle tour is the Stelvio Pass at an altitude of 2,760 metres above sea level, one of the highest Alpine passes open to traffic.

Edition 2024: Saturday, 31.08.2024
The next edition of the Stelvio Bike Day has been set for 31 August 2024!

Lowest point (START): Prad am Stilfserjoch (910 metres)
Highest point (FINISH): Stilfser Joch Pass (2,758 metres)
Distance Prad – Stilfser Joch: 24.96 km
Difference in altitude Prad – Stilfser Joch: 1,848 metres
Maximum ascent: 15%
Average ascent: 9–11%

On the South Tyrolean side, the event is organised in cooperation between the Stelvio National Park Office and the Tourism Association of Prad am Stilfserjoch/Prato allo Stelvio.

Thank you!
On Saturday 02.09.2023 11.700 participants climbed the pass ((Alto Adige 7.586, Lombardia 4.114)! Many thanks to all participants and contributors!
Here are some impressions!

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