Tour from Prad/Prato to the Stelvio Passo


Prad am Stilfserjoch (910 metres, 0 km)
• parking facilities and WC
• From 6 a.m.: breakfast at the village centre in Prad from ASV Prad/Prato Section Ski

Trafoi (10.7 km / 1,530 metres)
• The road is blocked from this point to the mountain pass (from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Sales booth for Stilfser Joch jerseys in bend 44 (12 km, 1600 m):
• The Stelvio Bike jerseys are here available

Franzenshöhe (18.3 km / 2,190 metres)
• Location for the ambulance service ‘Weißes Kreuz‘ (white cross)
• Catering: Hotel Berghotel Franzenshöhe restaurant with warm dishes
• Toilet
• Power for E-Bike (without charger)

Catering facilitys in bend 14 (22.1 km / 2,510 metres) and 31 (1957 m)
• Tea and fruit juices, apples
• Toilet

Stilfser Joch (25.0 km / 2,760 metres)
• Location for the ambulance service ‘Weißes Kreuz‘ (white cross)


- Return journey via the same route. Please watch out for oncoming cyclists!
- Taking the ascent of Umbrail Pass to Santa Maria (CH) and turning back to Prato allo Stelvio!

Ascent from Bormio to the Stelvio Pass and return

The road from Bormio to the Stelvio Pass (Sondrio province, Lombardy region) is also in the Stelvio National Park and is also closed to motorised traffic during the Stelvio Bike Day.
For more information on timetables, organisation, registration, contact details and parking for the Stelvio Bike Day on the Lombardy ramp of the pass, visit