The National Park has been studying bats (Microchiroptera) together with the Università degli Studi dell'Insubria for years. In particular, the effects of climate change on the species present are being studied (there are 23 species in the national park and its surroundings). Most species are threatened with extinction due to habitat loss, especially because hunting grounds are missing, and climate change. Through the bat project, the national park controls the largest colonies in the summer months. This is when the young are born, and when the protection of bat roosts is particularly important to avoid disturbance.
What can you do?
Report bat occurrences and their roosts to us! If you see one or more bats in a building (this can be a house, a barn, a church, but also a bridge or a tower), a tree hollow, a cave or in a quarry, make a report! Unfortunately, bats are not always visible in their roosts. Special attention should therefore be paid to their tracks, for example droppings called guano. This is deposited in small piles and is very small, completely black and crumbly. The reports are analysed by researchers from the Università dell'Insubria. The observation site is visited for verification.
By doing so, you help the National Park to protect these special animals!
How do you report the observation?
There are two ways to report your observation:
- through an app or
- with a short form