Formerly a means of winter transport for mountain inhabitants, the sled is now mostly used for recreational purposes. There is a long tradition of tobogganing in South Tyrol, and is popular with families and outdoor winter sports fans alike. A ride over the weekend or under the light of the full moon is always great fun. In the Stelvio National Park are various kinds of toboggan runs, slow and fast, natural or groomed – and reachable by ski lift or on foot along a forest path.

The Sled runs in the Stelvio National Park

In the Stelvio National Park you will find groomed, safe and child-friendly sled runs. From the Kanzel to the cableway station, the 2 km family-friendly Sulden sled run stays open in the evening once a week.

The Hölderle natural toboggan run has a length of about 2.5 km, while the Gumpfreipiste slope in Tarsch/Tarres is short but fast.

The Ultental/Val d'Ultimo Valley is home to some of the world's top tobogganists, who take advantage of the numerous natural runs in the valley, such as the Moscha on the Schwemmalm high mountain plateau.